Blessed Bowen Natural Therapies, Gundagai

Sharing the blessings of good health and well being...

Blessed bowen is a complimentary therapies practice based in Gundagai, NSW. Our aim is to lead you in the direction of better health...

We offer a variety of modalities specifically chosen for their ability to assist people in achieving the highest possible potential in their day to day living...

Modalities available at Blessed Bowen include:
* Bowen Therapy
* Oncology Massage
* Bach Flower Essences
* Schuessler's Tissue salts

All of these modalities can be combined to provide a treatment session that is uniquely customised to each individual's own needs, enabling the client to take greater ownership of their health.

About the modalities...

Bowen therapy... What is it?
Bowen Therapy is a remedial, hands-on therapy that is applied to the client using very gentle pressure. The Bowen practitioner uses their thumbs and fingers on precise locations of the body to perform Bowen’s unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate and enable the release of the muscles and soft tissue of the body. There is no manipulation of hard tissue and no force is used.
The Bowen experience is gentle, subtle and relaxing. Clients generally report the experience of reduced pain, improvement of function and recovery of energy at the time of the treatment with further improvements in the days following a session.

Bach Flower Remedies... What are they?
The late Dr Edward Bach developed 39, using the flowers of the fields to assist people in achieving emotional balance. Each remedy was chosen to assist a specific emotional need, be it to over come fear, anxiety, jealousy or anger.
They are such a gentle modality that try can be administered to anyone from tiny babes to adults, without any known side effects.

Oncology Massage Therapy... What is it?
Oncology massage was pioneered in Australia by the legendary Eleanor Oyston. This form of massage has been designed to assist oncology patients during their cancer journey and beyond, whilst being mindful of the specific needs that such individuals face, due to teir anger treatment.
Oncology massage can be enjoyed at any stage of the cancer journey as it is such a gentle, soothing and nurturing experience.
